1spire, for companies
We help startups, SMEs, ETIs and key accounts to understand, structure, innovate, activate and measure their environmental and social performance approach. Our aim is to go beyond communication and compliance.
Analysis & training
> Market research
> Carbon assessment
> Benchmarks, monitoring, analysis & measurement of positive impact
> CSR training
> B Corp Label
> SME+ Label
> Raison d’être and mission statement
> Preparation of Ecovadis rating
> Integration of sustainable development objectives
CSR policies & tools
> Diagnosis, materiality analysis
> CSR policy & strategy
> Deployment support
> Thematic roadmaps
(e.g. climate, biodiversity, social, …)
Sustainable innovation
> Ideation & business model
> Collaborative experimentation
> Bringing together partners
Reporting & communication
> CSR reporting and communication
> Deciphering regulations and compliance (CSRD, taxonomy …)
Sectoral expertise
> Real estate, construction, healthcare, hospitality, digital, food, textiles, transport, logistics, circular economy, financial services
Our clients
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